When should I get my child’s eyes tested?

When should I get my child’s eyes tested?

We all want the best for our children and to help them get a good start in life, especially as they develop physically, socially and emotionally.  They are continually learning
How important is exercise for healthy eyes?

How important is exercise for healthy eyes?

When we think about exercise, we think about good health, fitness, weight loss, a healthy heart and lungs and a toned body.  Some of us may love the thought of
Why can’t I see clearly at night?

Why can’t I see clearly at night?

You may be finding that increasingly your eyes are having trouble adjusting in dim light, or at night.  Whilst naturally as humans we can’t see as well at night, a
Does smoking damage your eyes?

Does smoking damage your eyes?

We have heard about the dangers of smoking and its effects on the heart and lungs.  What is not so commonly known is the effect that smoking can have on