Computers have been around for decades, but do you know what has changed…the amount of time that is spend in front of digital screens. Now that mobile devices, such as phones and tablets has overtaken the usage of desktop computers, this creates even more requirements for your eyes to be able to adjust, focus, and maintain a comfortable distance for reading and working.

What is Computer Vision Syndrome?

You may recognise Computer Vision Syndrom by at least one of the common symptoms such as:

  • Eyestrain
  • Headaches
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry eyes
  • Neck and shoulder pain

Computer vision syndrome is strain on the eyes that happens as a result of prolonged digital device usage. The discomfort it causes can be minimized by following a few simple practices.These symptoms may be caused by factors such as uncorrected vision needs, glare, poor lighting, and improper posture.

Your eye care professional can diagnose computer vision syndrome through an eye exam, with special attention paid to how the eye works and responds at computer distance.

Suggested ways to improve your comfort?

Here are some of they ways that you can reduce the effects of computer vision syndrome:

  • Adjust the room lighting, ensuring it is comfortable on the eyes, and also reduces oncoming glare from computer screens.
  • Ensure that digital display is properly adjusted so that your head is in a naturally comfortable position while working or reading.
  • Take breaks! You’re eyes and muscles involved in maintaining proper posture need intermittent breaks.
  • A comfortable chair with support for your neck and back will help you avoid neck and shoulder strain commonly associated with computer vision syndrome.

Your local optometrist will be able to advise you further on the best solution for your visual requirements.