You might’ve heard more and more about LASIK in recent months as it’s become a very popular method of corrective laser eye surgery recently. But you do you really know what it’s all about, and can it really help improve your vision?

What is LASIK and how does it work?

LASIK stands for Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis, and it is a procedure in which an ophthalmologist uses a laser to reshape the eye’s cornea in order to improve your eyesight. It is supposed to work as a complete alternative to glasses or contact lenses.

You can schedule an assessment with an Ophthalmologist to see what the right course of action is and whether LASIK treatment is right for you or not.

What are the potential benefits of LASIK?

99% of LASIK patients are able to see independent of glasses, the day after the procedure takes place, well enough to drive a car.

LASIK treatment is designed to last you for life, having corrected the errors in your eye, will keep your eyesight improved for years to come. Although this does not prevent various age-related degeneration that may affect you throughout the later years naturally, LASIK providers are also equipped to provide procedures to help with those as well.

What are the potential risks of LASIK?

Although the technology is revolutionary, it isn’t perfect, but the risks have been substantially lowered with a procedure this invasive. The chance of having a “serious vision-threatening complication” is generally less than 1%, with other less serious complications at less than 5% of all patients.

It’s important that you talk with your LASIK provider about the details of the surgery, as well as seeking help if you feel something is wrong after the procedure, so it can be treated or adjusted.

At the end of the day, LASIK has proven itself to be the next big thing in vision correction, with many improvements in recent times, and surely with many more to come in the coming years.