Cataracts in Children

Cataracts in Children

Most people associate cataracts as an eye condition that develops as we age.  However, cataracts can also affect babies and children forming either during pregnancy, after birth or during childhood.
What are cataracts?

What are cataracts?

In order for you to be able to see, light passes through the clear lens in your eye.  The purpose of this lens, which is situated behind the iris, is
How can too much screen time affect your eyes?

How can too much screen time affect your eyes?

Computer, smartphone and tablet usage has been steadily increasing over the years.  However, the events of the last couple of years has caused a dramatic shift towards the use of
Reading Clearly at All Ages

Reading Clearly at All Ages

Long-sightedness generally means difficulties focusing on near objects. Children who are long sighted often have trouble seeing up close first and may experience feelings of eye strain or headaches when

Do I have Dry Eye

Dry eyes can become red and irritated, causing a feeling of scratchiness. Symptoms of dry eyes and dry eye syndrome include: Burning sensation Itchy eyes Aching sensations Heavy eyes Fatigued

Traveling with Contact Lenses

A FIRST-TIMER’S GUIDE TO TRAVELING WITH CONTACT LENSES It can be a hassle to travel with contact lenses given all the maintenance that comes with it. You’ll also most likely

Reading Clearly at All Ages

Long-sightedness generally means difficulties focusing on near objects. Children who are long sighted often have trouble seeing up close first and may experience feelings of eye strain or headaches when